21 Easy Keto Lunch Ideas For Work

If you’ve been on the ketogenic lifestyle for longer than a week, you know that lunch is the most difficult meal to put together. Not only are there fewer keto lunch recipes talked about, but, with most people being busy at work, lunch just doesn’t seem too practical for keto eaters. However, despite all of this, lunch is still something that you have to worry about on keto, particularly if you’re already tired of eating salads and a protein every day for lunch (the easiest thing to grab when you’re a busy person) So, today, we’re going to share with […]

10 Starbucks Keto Drinks You’ll Want To Know About

Follow my blog with Bloglovin This Starbucks keto drinks post is exactly what you need if you miss enjoying starbucks drinks while doing keto. Keto is known for its restriction of things like sugars, carbs, fruits and more. Essentially, all the foods you’ve grown to love. Due to that fact, once you’ve started the keto journey, it is a wise thing to get rid of hundreds of foods that may taste good, but are very bad  and hindering your goals. Among these include things like sweet drinks, sodas, fruit juices and of course, the favorite of many of us, Starbucks […]