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Know the difference between lazy and strict keto

Knowing the difference between the two and expecting results based on how you’re eating can go a long way in preventing disappointment due to the results you receive. It stands to reason that you will see faster results if you’re following a strict keto approach compared to a lazy keto approach.

Lazy Keto: This generally means that you’re not strictly tracking your calories, recommended protein and fats, but, you’re making sure to get 20 grams of carbs or less each day.

Strict Keto: This means you’re accurately tracking your protein, fats and carb macros on keto.


Eat more healthy fats

Since fats make up at least 70% of your daily caloric intake, you should try to eat good fats. These fats include,

  • Saturated Fats  such as those found in red meat, butter, ghee, lard, cream, eggs, coconut oil (MCTs) or palm oil
  • Natural Trans Fats such as those found in meat from grass-fed animals and dairy products
  • Monounsaturated Fats such as those found in extra virgin olive oil, avocados, avocado oil and macadamia nut oil
  • Natural Polyunsaturated Fats such as those found in  fish, fish oil, flaxseed and chia seeds


Try intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is basically a cycle between periods of fasting and eating.

A popular form of the intermittent fasting method is the 16/8 method which means you fast for 16 hours and eat within an 8 hour eating window every day.

Intermittent fasting helps:

  • you ‘manage’ how much you eat throughout the day

Read more about intermittent fasting for keto here.



Use Meal Planning Printables

Using a meal planner each month will make it easier for you to always stay on track with your keto journey. This is a perfect idea to try out if on keto and want to:

Using this meal planning printable, you’ll be able to easily:

  • Save Time
  • Save Money
  • Eat Real Food
  • Waste Less Food
  • Eliminate Last Minute Stress
  • Add Variety To Your Meals
  • Stay On Top Of Good Eating Habits
  • Make Grocery Shopping Easier

This will make your keto journey so much easier.

You can find some great keto meal planning printables here.



Don’t deny yourself

Don’t deny yourself, instead find the best keto friendly substitutes for the carby foods you used to love. Here are a few ideas you need to check out:



Exercise, especially if you want to see results. Ensure that you’re incorporating some weight training workout. 



Read as many keto related books as possible. Also, read many articles about this way of eating to help you truly understand what it entails and how to be successful on keto.

This keto book is a great read.



MCT oil

MCT which is short for Medium-Chain Triglyceride is a type of fat that helps to increase your energy levels among other things.

This is a great healthy fat that can help your body achieve Ketosis and burn fat. Not only that, because it’s odorless and tasteless, it is great for adding to your shakes, coffees and other keto beverages for more energy. This is perfect for you if you’re lacking energy on keto.

You can find some great quality MCT oil here.



Have fun!

Enjoy this way of eating. Instead of focusing on all the things you cannot have, think of all the things you can enjoy this new way of eating! For god’s sakes you can eat food like keto pizza and look and feel good! 



The thing about protein

Don’t eat too much protein on this lifestyle.

Many people think of keto as a low carb lifestyle. While completely missing the point the keto lifestyle is a low carb, moderate protein, and low carb lifestyle. 

Following these keto tips if you’re a beginner and you’ll have a much easier time on this way of life.

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