substitute for baking powder in cobbler

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Baking powder is a crucial ingredient in achieving light and fluffy results in baking, but there are several effective substitutes you can use in your cobbler recipe if you find yourself without it. Whether you run out of baking powder or are looking for an alternative, there are various options that can help you achieve similar results. Let’s explore some of the best substitutes for baking powder in cobbler recipes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Homemade baking powder can be made by combining cream of tartar, baking soda, and cornstarch.
  • Buttermilk or yogurt in combination with baking soda can act as a leavening agent in the absence of baking powder.
  • Acidic ingredients like sour milk, lemon juice, vinegar, and molasses can be used as alternatives to baking powder.
  • Whipped egg whites or self-rising flour can add volume to your cobbler when used as substitutes for baking powder.
  • Club soda can be used as a last-minute substitute to provide a slight lift to your cobbler recipe.

Homemade Baking Powder Substitute

One option for substituting baking powder in your cobbler recipe is to create your own homemade version using cream of tartar, baking soda, and cornstarch. This simple and effective solution can save the day when you don’t have baking powder on hand.

To make your own baking powder substitute, you will need:

  • 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon cornstarch

Combine these ingredients in a small bowl and mix well. Your homemade baking powder is now ready to be used in your cobbler recipe. Make sure to measure the substitute according to the instructions in your recipe, just as you would with store-bought baking powder.

Cream of TartarBaking SodaCornstarch
1/2 teaspoon1/4 teaspoon1/4 teaspoon

Using this homemade baking powder substitute will help you achieve the desired rise and texture in your cobbler, even without the traditional baking powder.

Using Buttermilk or Yogurt with Baking Soda

Another effective substitute for baking powder in cobbler is to use buttermilk or yogurt in combination with baking soda. These dairy products provide acidity, which activates the baking soda and helps to create the desired rise in the cobbler.

To use buttermilk or yogurt as a substitute, start by measuring out the amount of baking powder called for in your recipe. For each teaspoon of baking powder, you will need to use 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and add a liquid component like buttermilk or yogurt to provide the necessary acidity.

For example, if your recipe calls for 2 teaspoons of baking powder, you would use 1 teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with 1 cup of buttermilk or yogurt. Make sure to combine the ingredients well before incorporating them into your cobbler batter.

RecipeBaking PowderBaking SodaButtermilk/Yogurt
1 tsp1/2 tsp1/2 cup
2 tsp1 tsp1 cup
3 tsp1 1/2 tsp1 1/2 cups

Using buttermilk or yogurt with baking soda as a substitute for baking powder in cobbler can yield delicious results, providing a similar texture and rise to your baked goods. Experiment with different recipes and variations to find the combination that works best for you.

Sour Milk, Lemon Juice, Vinegar, or Molasses as Alternatives

In a pinch, you can replace baking powder in your cobbler recipe with acidic ingredients such as sour milk, lemon juice, vinegar, or molasses. These common household items can provide the necessary leavening agent to help your cobbler rise and achieve a light and fluffy texture.

To substitute baking powder with sour milk, simply add a teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar to a cup of milk and let it sit for a few minutes until it curdles. This sour milk can then be used as a replacement for baking powder in your cobbler.

Lemon Juice½ teaspoon
Vinegar½ teaspoon
Sour Milk1 cup
Molasses1 tablespoon

If you prefer a slightly sweeter flavor in your cobbler, molasses can be used as an alternative to baking powder. Simply substitute 1 tablespoon of molasses for every teaspoon of baking powder called for in your recipe.

Using these acidic ingredients as alternatives to baking powder will not only ensure that your cobbler rises properly, but it will also add a subtle tang and depth of flavor to your dessert.

Whipped Egg Whites or Self-Rising Flour for Added Volume

For added volume in your cobbler, you can substitute baking powder with whipped egg whites or self-rising flour. Whipped egg whites are a great option as they can provide lightness and a fluffy texture to your dessert. To achieve this, separate the egg whites from the yolks and whisk them until stiff peaks form. Gently fold the whipped egg whites into your batter, being careful not to deflate them. The airy nature of the whipped egg whites will help your cobbler rise and create a light and airy texture.

Another alternative is to use self-rising flour in place of regular flour. Self-rising flour is a combination of all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt. The added baking powder in self-rising flour will help your cobbler rise without the need for additional baking powder. When using self-rising flour, be sure to adjust the amount of salt you add to your recipe as self-rising flour already contains salt.

Here is a table summarizing the substitutes for baking powder in cobbler:

Homemade Baking PowderMix cream of tartar, baking soda, and cornstarch
Buttermilk or Yogurt with Baking SodaCombine buttermilk or yogurt with baking soda
Sour Milk, Lemon Juice, Vinegar, or MolassesUse acidic ingredients as alternatives
Whipped Egg WhitesWhisk egg whites until stiff peaks form, then fold into batter
Self-Rising FlourUse self-rising flour instead of regular flour
Club SodaAdd club soda for a slight lift

By utilizing these substitutes, you can still achieve a delicious cobbler even without baking powder. Experiment with different options and find the one that works best for you and your taste preferences.

Club Soda for a Slight Lift

If all else fails, you can rely on club soda to give your cobbler a slight lift in the absence of baking powder. Club soda is a carbonated beverage that contains carbon dioxide, which can help create air pockets in your cobbler batter. This carbonation is what gives club soda its fizziness and makes it an effective ingredient to add volume to your baked goods.

To use club soda as a substitute for baking powder, simply replace the amount of baking powder called for in your recipe with an equal amount of club soda. For example, if your recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of baking powder, you would use 1 teaspoon of club soda instead. The club soda will react with the other ingredients in your cobbler batter and help it rise during baking.

When using club soda as a substitute, it’s important to note that the flavor of the soda may slightly alter the taste of your cobbler. However, this can be a fun twist on traditional cobbler recipes and add a unique flavor profile to your dessert. If you prefer a more neutral taste, you can opt for a plain or unflavored club soda.

Baking Powder AmountClub Soda Amount
1 teaspoon1 teaspoon
2 teaspoons2 teaspoons
1 tablespoon1 tablespoon

In conclusion, if you find yourself without baking powder, there are several substitutes that can be used in your cobbler recipe. Club soda is one such substitute that can provide a slight lift to your baked goods. By following the suggested measurements and instructions, you can achieve the desired texture and rise in your cobbler without relying on baking powder. So, next time you’re in a pinch, reach for club soda and enjoy a delicious cobbler!


When you find yourself without baking powder, there are several substitutes you can use in your cobbler recipe to achieve the desired texture and rise. One option is to make your own homemade baking powder by combining cream of tartar, baking soda, and cornstarch. This homemade substitute can provide similar results to store-bought baking powder.

If you’re looking for a natural alternative, buttermilk or yogurt combined with baking soda can act as an effective leavening agent. The acidity of these dairy products reacts with the baking soda to create the necessary lift in your cobbler. This method adds a tangy flavor, enhancing the overall taste of your dessert.

For those who prefer more acidic alternatives, sour milk, lemon juice, vinegar, or molasses can be used as substitutes for baking powder. These ingredients have acidic properties that can activate baking soda and help your cobbler rise. Each option offers a unique flavor profile, allowing you to experiment and find the perfect substitute for your taste preferences.

If you’re looking to add volume to your cobbler, whipped egg whites or self-rising flour can be used as substitutes for baking powder. Whipped egg whites provide a light and airy texture, while self-rising flour already contains leavening agents that will help your cobbler rise. These options are great for achieving a taller and fluffier cobbler.

Lastly, if all else fails, club soda can come to the rescue. While not as effective as other substitutes, club soda can still provide a slight lift to your cobbler. Its carbonation helps create bubbles that contribute to a lighter texture. Just make sure to use it sparingly to avoid altering the taste of your dessert.

With these various substitutes at your disposal, you can confidently bake a delicious cobbler even without baking powder. Whether you choose to make your own baking powder, use dairy products, acidic ingredients, whipped egg whites, self-rising flour, or club soda, each substitute offers its own unique qualities that can enhance your cobbler recipe. So go ahead and experiment with these alternatives to create a mouthwatering cobbler that will impress your family and friends.


Can I substitute baking powder in my cobbler recipe?

Yes, there are several effective substitutes you can use in your cobbler recipe if you don’t have baking powder.

What can I use to make homemade baking powder?

You can make your own homemade baking powder by combining cream of tartar, baking soda, and cornstarch.

Can I use buttermilk or yogurt instead of baking powder?

Yes, buttermilk or yogurt can be combined with baking soda to act as a leavening agent in place of baking powder.

What acidic ingredients can I use as alternatives to baking powder?

Sour milk, lemon juice, vinegar, or molasses can be used as alternatives to baking powder in your cobbler recipe.

How can I add volume to my cobbler without baking powder?

You can use whipped egg whites or self-rising flour as substitutes for baking powder to add volume to your cobbler.

Can club soda be used as a substitute for baking powder?

Yes, club soda can provide a slight lift to your cobbler recipe as a last-minute substitute for baking powder.

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