substitute for buttermilk in cheesecake

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Are you looking for easy ways to substitute for buttermilk in your cheesecake recipe? Look no further! We’ve compiled 10 simple alternatives that you can use to replace buttermilk in your favorite dessert.

There are several easy ways to substitute for buttermilk in cheesecake. One option is to make a homemade buttermilk substitute using milk and either white vinegar or lemon juice. Simply measure one tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice into a liquid measuring cup, add in a scant cup of milk (preferably 2% or whole milk), stir the mixture together, and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Another option is to use sour cream diluted with water or milk. Mix 3/4 cup sour cream with 1/4 cup water or milk to make 1 cup of buttermilk substitute. Yogurt can also be used as a substitute, with plain yogurt being a 1:1 replacement and Greek-style yogurt needing to be thinned out with water or milk.

Other alternatives include using cream of tartar and milk, non-dairy yogurt, kefir, powdered buttermilk, or frozen buttermilk cubes. These substitutes offer a range of flavors and textures that can enhance the taste of your cheesecake.

Now you have 10 easy ways to substitute for buttermilk in your cheesecake recipe. Whether you prefer homemade alternatives or convenient store-bought options, there’s a substitute that will work for you. So go ahead and indulge in your favorite dessert without worrying about running out of buttermilk.

Homemade Buttermilk Substitute

If you don’t have buttermilk on hand, you can easily make a homemade substitute using everyday ingredients like vinegar or lemon juice and milk. This simple substitution will ensure that your cheesecake has the perfect texture and flavor.

Vinegar or Lemon Juice with Milk

To make a homemade buttermilk substitute, you’ll need one tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice and a scant cup of milk (preferably 2% or whole milk). In a liquid measuring cup, add the vinegar or lemon juice and then pour in the milk. Stir the mixture together and let it sit for about 5 minutes. The acid from the vinegar or lemon juice will react with the milk, creating a tangy and creamy substitute for buttermilk.

Perfect Texture and Flavor

This homemade buttermilk substitute will provide the perfect texture and flavor for your cheesecake. The acid in the vinegar or lemon juice helps to tenderize the proteins in the milk, resulting in a light and fluffy texture. It also adds a subtle tanginess that complements the sweetness of the cheesecake filling. Whether you’re out of buttermilk or simply prefer to make your own, this homemade substitute is a great option.

Sour Cream Dilution

Another great substitute for buttermilk in cheesecake is to use sour cream diluted with either water or milk. This option provides a tangy and creamy flavor that complements the richness of the cheesecake. To make the substitute, mix 3/4 cup of sour cream with 1/4 cup of water or milk. This mixture will yield 1 cup of a suitable alternative to buttermilk.

Proportions Matter

When creating the sour cream dilution, it’s important to maintain the right proportions. The 3/4 cup of sour cream provides the tanginess and creaminess, while the 1/4 cup of water or milk helps achieve the desired consistency. You can adjust the amount of water or milk according to your preference, but be mindful of not diluting the mixture too much, as you still want it to provide a similar texture to buttermilk in your cheesecake recipe.

Experiment and Enjoy

Using sour cream diluted with water or milk as a substitute for buttermilk in cheesecake not only adds a unique flavor profile but also offers versatility. Feel free to experiment with different ratios or even add a teaspoon of lemon juice for an extra hint of acidity. The goal is to find the right balance that suits your taste and enhances the overall texture and flavor of your homemade cheesecake.

Yogurt as a Substitute

Yogurt can also be a suitable replacement for buttermilk in cheesecake, with options such as plain yogurt or Greek-style yogurt that can be used depending on your preference. Plain yogurt can be used as a 1:1 replacement for buttermilk, providing a tangy and creamy texture to your cheesecake. For those who prefer the thicker consistency of Greek-style yogurt, it can also be used as a substitute, although it may need to be thinned out with water or milk to achieve the desired consistency.

Using Plain Yogurt

If you choose to use plain yogurt as a buttermilk substitute, simply measure out the same amount of yogurt as the recipe calls for buttermilk. For example, if the recipe requires 1 cup of buttermilk, you would use 1 cup of plain yogurt instead. This replacement will add a pleasant tanginess to your cheesecake while keeping it moist and creamy. Just be sure to use plain yogurt without any added flavors or sweeteners.

Using Greek-Style Yogurt

If you prefer the thicker and creamier texture of Greek-style yogurt, it can also be used as a substitute for buttermilk. However, Greek-style yogurt is typically thicker than buttermilk, so you may need to thin it out to achieve the desired consistency. To do this, simply whisk together the Greek-style yogurt with a small amount of water or milk until it reaches a pourable consistency. Start with a 1:1 ratio of Greek-style yogurt to water or milk, and adjust as needed based on the recipe’s requirements.

By using yogurt as a substitute for buttermilk in cheesecake, you can enjoy the same creamy texture and tangy flavor without having to make an extra trip to the store. Whether you choose plain yogurt or Greek-style yogurt, these alternatives provide a convenient and delicious solution for any cheesecake recipe.

Cream of Tartar and Milk

For a unique buttermilk substitute, you can combine cream of tartar with milk to create a flavorful alternative for your cheesecake recipe. Cream of tartar, also known as potassium bitartrate, is a common ingredient in baking that can help create a light and airy texture. When combined with milk, it can mimic the tangy flavor of buttermilk, adding a delightful twist to your cheesecake.

To make this substitute, simply mix 1 ¾ teaspoons of cream of tartar with 1 cup of milk. Stir the mixture thoroughly until the cream of tartar is fully dissolved. You can then use this mixture as a 1:1 replacement for buttermilk in your cheesecake recipe.

By using cream of tartar and milk as a substitute, you can elevate the taste and texture of your cheesecake without the need for traditional buttermilk. This alternative provides a creamy and tangy flavor that will complement your cheesecake perfectly. Give it a try and enjoy a unique twist on a classic dessert!

Non-Dairy Yogurt

If you prefer a non-dairy option, non-dairy yogurt can be an excellent substitute for buttermilk in your cheesecake recipe. It provides a similar tanginess and creaminess that buttermilk adds to the dessert, making it a great alternative for those with dietary restrictions or preferences.

When using non-dairy yogurt as a substitute, it’s important to choose a plain variety that doesn’t contain any added flavors or sweeteners. This will ensure that the taste of the yogurt doesn’t overpower the other flavors in the cheesecake.

To use non-dairy yogurt as a substitute for buttermilk, simply measure out the same amount of yogurt as the recipe calls for buttermilk. If the non-dairy yogurt is particularly thick, you may need to thin it out with a small amount of water or non-dairy milk to achieve the desired consistency. This will help ensure that the texture of your cheesecake remains smooth and creamy.

Discovering Non-Dairy Yogurt Options

There are several non-dairy yogurt options available in the market today, catering to different dietary preferences and needs. Some popular choices include almond milk yogurt, coconut milk yogurt, soy yogurt, and cashew milk yogurt. Each variety offers a unique flavor and texture profile, so you can select the one that best suits your taste.

When using non-dairy yogurt as a substitute for buttermilk in your cheesecake recipe, keep in mind that the flavor of the yogurt may slightly alter the taste of the final dish. It’s always a good idea to do a small taste test before using it in your recipe to ensure that you’re happy with the flavor combination.

Kefir as a Substitute

Kefir, a fermented dairy product, is another fantastic option to consider when looking for a substitute for buttermilk in your cheesecake recipe. Known for its tangy and creamy flavor, kefir can add a unique twist to your dessert while providing the desired acidity and moisture that buttermilk offers.

To use kefir as a substitute, simply replace an equal amount of buttermilk in your recipe with kefir. The tanginess of kefir will help enhance the flavor of your cheesecake, giving it a delightful zing. If you prefer a milder taste, you can dilute the kefir with a small amount of water or milk to achieve the desired consistency.

When using kefir as a substitute, keep in mind that its texture may be slightly different from buttermilk. However, the rich and creamy qualities of kefir can contribute to a velvety smooth texture in your cheesecake. Experimenting with different ratios and adjusting the other ingredients in your recipe can help you achieve the perfect balance for your taste buds.

Powdered Buttermilk: A Convenient Substitute for Liquid Buttermilk in Cheesecake

Powdered buttermilk is a convenient option that can be easily reconstituted and used as a substitute for liquid buttermilk in your cheesecake recipe. It offers the same tangy flavor and creamy texture that buttermilk imparts to your desserts. Whether you forgot to buy buttermilk or simply prefer the convenience of keeping a pantry staple on hand, powdered buttermilk is a reliable alternative.

To use powdered buttermilk in your cheesecake recipe, simply follow the instructions on the package to reconstitute it with water. Typically, you’ll need to mix 1 part powdered buttermilk with 4 parts water. For example, if your recipe calls for 1 cup of liquid buttermilk, you can mix 1/4 cup of powdered buttermilk with 1 cup of water. Stir the mixture until the powder has dissolved completely.

Once reconstituted, the powdered buttermilk can be used in your cheesecake recipe just like liquid buttermilk. It will provide the same moisture, acidity, and flavor to enhance the taste and texture of your cheesecake. Keep in mind that the consistency may be slightly different than if you were using liquid buttermilk, so adjust the other ingredients accordingly if necessary.

Experimenting with Powdered Buttermilk

Don’t be afraid to experiment with powdered buttermilk in your cheesecake recipes. You can adjust the amount of water or powdered buttermilk to achieve the desired consistency and flavor. If you prefer a more intense buttermilk flavor, you can add a bit more powdered buttermilk to your mixture. On the other hand, if you find the buttermilk flavor too strong, you can reduce the amount of powdered buttermilk or dilute it with a bit more water. The key is to taste and adjust as you go to achieve the perfect balance of flavors in your cheesecake.

Frozen Buttermilk Cubes

To ensure you always have buttermilk readily available, you can freeze buttermilk into cubes and use them as needed in your cheesecake recipe.

Freezing buttermilk is a simple process that allows you to have small portions of buttermilk on hand whenever you need them. Start by pouring the buttermilk into an ice cube tray, filling each compartment about halfway. Place the tray in the freezer and let it freeze completely, usually overnight. Once the buttermilk cubes are frozen solid, transfer them to a freezer-safe bag or container for easy storage.

When you’re ready to use the frozen buttermilk cubes in your cheesecake recipe, simply take out the desired amount and thaw them in the refrigerator or microwave. You can use the cubes as is, or if your recipe calls for liquid buttermilk, you can let the cubes thaw completely and then measure out the needed amount.

Using frozen buttermilk cubes is a convenient way to have buttermilk on hand without worrying about it going bad. Plus, it eliminates the need to make last-minute grocery store runs for a single ingredient. So, the next time you’re making cheesecake, consider freezing some buttermilk into cubes to ensure you always have it readily available.


With these 10 easy substitutes for buttermilk in cheesecake, you can now confidently make your favorite dessert using ingredients you already have, without compromising on taste.

Factual data: There are several easy ways to substitute for buttermilk in cheesecake. One option is to make a homemade buttermilk substitute using milk and either white vinegar or lemon juice. Simply measure one tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice into a liquid measuring cup, add in a scant cup of milk (preferably 2% or whole milk), stir the mixture together, and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Another option is to use sour cream diluted with water or milk. Mix 3/4 cup sour cream with 1/4 cup water or milk to make 1 cup of buttermilk substitute. Yogurt can also be used as a substitute, with plain yogurt being a 1:1 replacement and Greek-style yogurt needing to be thinned out with water or milk. Other alternatives include using cream of tartar and milk, non-dairy yogurt, kefir, powdered buttermilk, or frozen buttermilk cubes.

With these simple substitutions, you don’t have to worry about running out of buttermilk or making a trip to the store. You can still achieve a creamy and delicious cheesecake using ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen. Enjoy the flexibility and convenience of these substitutes and let your creativity shine in your next cheesecake creation!

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