substitute for baking powder in cornbread

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Are you looking for alternative options to use instead of baking powder in your cornbread recipe? Look no further! We have compiled a list of the top 5 ideal substitutes that will give your cornbread that perfect texture and taste.

Key Takeaways:

  • Buttermilk combined with baking soda is a great substitute for baking powder in cornbread.
  • Plain yogurt and baking soda can be used as an excellent substitute for baking powder in cornbread.
  • Molasses adds a unique flavor and sweetness to your cornbread when used as a substitute for baking powder.
  • Other alternatives include cream of tartar and baking soda, sour milk and baking soda, vinegar and baking soda, lemon juice and baking soda, club soda, self-rising flour, and whipped egg whites.

Buttermilk and Baking Soda

One popular substitute for baking powder in cornbread is the combination of buttermilk and baking soda. By using this alternative, you can achieve the desired rise and texture in your cornbread recipe.

To substitute 1 teaspoon of baking powder, you will need 1/2 cup of buttermilk and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. The acidity in buttermilk activates the baking soda, resulting in a light and fluffy texture. The tanginess of the buttermilk also adds a delicious flavor to your cornbread.

To use buttermilk and baking soda as a substitute, simply mix the two ingredients together until well combined. Then, incorporate the mixture into your cornbread batter as you would with baking powder. The rest of your recipe can remain the same.

For a quick reference, here is a table summarizing the substitution measurements:

Baking PowderButtermilkBaking Soda
1 teaspoon1/2 cup1/4 teaspoon

Now that you know how to substitute baking powder with buttermilk and baking soda, you can confidently bake cornbread even if you run out of baking powder. Enjoy your delicious homemade cornbread!

Plain Yogurt and Baking Soda

If you don’t have baking powder on hand, you can use plain yogurt and baking soda as a substitute in your cornbread recipe. The combination of these ingredients will give your cornbread a deliciously moist texture. To replace 1 teaspoon of baking powder, simply mix 1/2 cup of plain yogurt with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.

To use the plain yogurt and baking soda substitute, first, preheat your oven and prepare your cornbread batter as usual. Once you’re ready to add the baking powder, measure out the appropriate amount of plain yogurt and baking soda and mix them together until well combined. Then, incorporate the mixture into your cornbread batter and proceed with baking as directed in your recipe.

This substitute works because the acidity in the yogurt reacts with the baking soda, causing it to release carbon dioxide gas, which helps the cornbread rise. The result is a moist and tender cornbread that is just as flavorful as if you had used baking powder.

Table: Substituting Plain Yogurt and Baking Soda for Baking Powder

Plain Yogurt1/2 cup
Baking Soda1/4 teaspoon

Experiment with this substitute to find the perfect balance for your taste preferences. You may discover that you enjoy the moistness and tanginess that plain yogurt brings to your cornbread. Whether you’re out of baking powder or simply want to try a new twist on your favorite recipe, plain yogurt and baking soda can be a great alternative for achieving a delicious cornbread.

Molasses and Baking Soda: A Flavorful Substitute for Baking Powder in Cornbread

For a twist in flavor, consider using molasses and baking soda as a substitute for baking powder in your cornbread recipe. The richness of molasses will give your cornbread a delightful taste. Not only does molasses enhance the flavor, but it also adds a touch of sweetness to the dish. When combined with baking soda, this unique substitute creates a reaction that helps the cornbread rise, resulting in a light and fluffy texture.

To use molasses and baking soda as a substitute, simply combine 1/4 cup of molasses with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda for every 1 teaspoon of baking powder called for in the recipe. Mix the two ingredients thoroughly before incorporating them into the rest of the cornbread batter.

Table: Molasses and Baking Soda Substitute

Molasses1/4 cup
Baking soda1/4 teaspoon

By using molasses and baking soda as a substitute, you can enjoy a flavorful cornbread without compromising on taste or texture. However, keep in mind that the addition of molasses may darken the color of the cornbread slightly. If desired, you can adjust the amount of molasses according to your preference for sweetness.

Remember, molasses is just one of several substitutes for baking powder in cornbread. If you prefer to explore other options, you can also try alternatives such as buttermilk and baking soda, plain yogurt and baking soda, or even the combination of cream of tartar and baking soda. These substitutes offer a variety of flavors and textures, allowing you to experiment and find your perfect cornbread recipe.

Other Substitutes and Tips

Apart from the previously mentioned substitutes, there are other creative alternatives you can use in your cornbread recipe. By combining ingredients like cream of tartar, sour milk, vinegar, lemon juice, club soda, self-rising flour, or whipped egg whites, you can achieve a delicious and fluffy cornbread texture.

One option is to use cream of tartar and baking soda. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to replace 1 teaspoon of baking powder. This combination helps to activate the baking soda and provides the necessary leavening for your cornbread.

If you don’t have buttermilk or plain yogurt, you can use sour milk instead. Simply add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to 1/2 cup of milk and let it sit for a few minutes before incorporating it into your cornbread batter. The acidity in the sour milk will react with the baking soda, resulting in a light and airy cornbread.

Vinegar and lemon juice can also be used to substitute for baking powder. Mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to replace 1 teaspoon of baking powder. The acidity in these ingredients activates the baking soda and helps to create a tender and moist cornbread.

Cream of Tartar and Baking Soda1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar + 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
Sour Milk1/2 teaspoon baking soda + 1/2 cup milk
Vinegar or Lemon Juice1 teaspoon vinegar or lemon juice + 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
Club SodaReplace liquid in the recipe
Self-Rising FlourSubstitute for regular flour
Whipped Egg WhitesFor extra volume

In Conclusion

With the information provided in this article, you now have a variety of options to substitute for baking powder in your cornbread recipe. Don’t let the absence of baking powder stop you from creating a delicious cornbread dish! Experiment with these alternatives and enjoy the delightful flavors of homemade cornbread.

One ideal option is to use buttermilk and baking soda. Simply combine 1/2 cup of buttermilk with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to replace 1 teaspoon of baking powder. This combination creates a light and fluffy texture in your cornbread.

Another substitute is plain yogurt and baking soda. Use 1/2 cup of plain yogurt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to replace 1 teaspoon of baking powder. The tanginess of the yogurt adds a tender and moist element to your cornbread.

Molasses can also be used as a unique substitute. Combine 1/4 cup of molasses with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to achieve a hint of sweetness and enhanced flavor in your cornbread.

If these options don’t suit your preferences, there are additional alternatives to consider. You can try cream of tartar and baking soda, sour milk and baking soda, vinegar and baking soda, lemon juice and baking soda, or even using club soda as a replacement for liquid in the recipe. Another option is to use self-rising flour instead of regular flour, or incorporate whipped egg whites for extra volume. These substitutes will help you achieve a flavorful outcome without using baking powder.

So, get creative in the kitchen and don’t let the absence of baking powder deter you from making delicious cornbread. With these substitutes, you can still enjoy the wonderful taste and texture of homemade cornbread. Happy baking!


What are some ideal substitutes for baking powder in cornbread?

Some ideal substitutes for baking powder in cornbread include buttermilk and baking soda, plain yogurt and baking soda, molasses and baking soda, cream of tartar and baking soda, sour milk and baking soda, vinegar and baking soda, lemon juice and baking soda, club soda, self-rising flour, and whipped egg whites.

How do I substitute buttermilk and baking soda for baking powder in cornbread?

To substitute buttermilk and baking soda for baking powder in cornbread, combine 1/2 cup of buttermilk with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to replace 1 teaspoon of baking powder.

How do I substitute plain yogurt and baking soda for baking powder in cornbread?

To substitute plain yogurt and baking soda for baking powder in cornbread, use 1/2 cup of plain yogurt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to replace 1 teaspoon of baking powder.

Can molasses be used as a substitute for baking powder in cornbread?

Yes, molasses can be used as a substitute for baking powder in cornbread. Combine 1/4 cup of molasses with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda.

Are there any other substitutes I can use for baking powder in cornbread?

Yes, there are other substitutes you can use for baking powder in cornbread. These include cream of tartar and baking soda, sour milk and baking soda, vinegar and baking soda, lemon juice and baking soda, using club soda as a replacement for liquid in the recipe, using self-rising flour instead of regular flour, and incorporating whipped egg whites for extra volume.

Can I still achieve a tasty cornbread without using baking powder?

Absolutely! There are several ideal substitutes for baking powder that you can use in your cornbread recipe. Whether it’s buttermilk, plain yogurt, molasses, or other unique alternatives, you can still achieve a flavorful and well-risen cornbread without using baking powder.

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