substitute for chicken broth in enchilada sauce

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Making homemade enchilada sauce is a quick and flavorful process, but what if you don’t have chicken broth on hand or prefer a different option? Here are 7 easy ways to substitute for chicken broth in your enchilada sauce.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vegetable broth can be used as a substitute for chicken broth in enchilada sauce, making it suitable for vegetarians or those who prefer a lighter flavor.
  • Using whole wheat flour in place of all-purpose flour and olive oil instead of canola or vegetable oil provides a healthier and more nutritious alternative.
  • Adding additional spices like cayenne pepper or chipotle chile powder can enhance the heat and flavor of the enchilada sauce.
  • Homemade enchilada sauce can be frozen for up to 3 months, allowing for convenient future use.

Vegetable Broth

If you’re looking for a vegetarian-friendly option or want to lighten up the flavor of your enchilada sauce, vegetable broth is an excellent substitute for chicken broth. Made from a flavorful blend of vegetables, herbs, and spices, vegetable broth adds depth and richness to your homemade enchilada sauce without compromising on taste.

To use vegetable broth as a substitute, simply replace the chicken broth with an equal amount of vegetable broth in your enchilada sauce recipe. The result is a sauce that is not only suitable for vegetarians but also has a lighter and fresher flavor profile.

Vegetable broth is readily available in most grocery stores, or you can make your own by simmering a combination of vegetables, such as carrots, celery, onions, garlic, and herbs, in water. The longer you simmer the broth, the more flavorful it will be.

Benefits of Vegetable Broth as a Substitute for Chicken Broth in Enchilada Sauce
Lighter flavor
Can be easily made at home

Whether you’re following a vegetarian diet or simply prefer a milder taste, using vegetable broth as a substitute for chicken broth in your enchilada sauce is a delicious and versatile option. Give it a try and enjoy your flavorful homemade enchilada sauce!

Whole Wheat Flour and Olive Oil

To make your enchilada sauce even more wholesome, you can use whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour and olive oil instead of traditional canola or vegetable oil. These simple substitutions can add a nutritious twist to your homemade sauce.

Whole wheat flour is an excellent alternative to all-purpose flour. It contains the bran and germ, making it higher in fiber and nutrients compared to refined flour. The nutty flavor of whole wheat flour complements the spicy and savory notes of the enchilada sauce, enhancing the overall taste.

In addition to using whole wheat flour, swapping out canola or vegetable oil with olive oil can further elevate the nutritional value of the sauce. Olive oil is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. It adds a subtle depth of flavor to the sauce, enhancing its taste and aroma.

To incorporate these substitutions into your enchilada sauce recipe, simply replace the all-purpose flour with an equal amount of whole wheat flour. Similarly, replace the canola or vegetable oil with an equal amount of olive oil. Whisk them together just as you would with the original ingredients, and continue with the recipe as usual.

Table of Substitutions

Original IngredientSubstitute Ingredient
All-Purpose FlourWhole Wheat Flour
Canola or Vegetable OilOlive Oil

By making these simple swaps, you can create a healthier version of enchilada sauce without compromising on taste. Enjoy the wholesome goodness of whole wheat flour and the rich flavors of olive oil in your next homemade enchilada dish!

Additional Spices and Heat

If you’re craving a spicier kick in your enchilada sauce, consider adding extra spices like cayenne pepper or chipotle chile powder to give it that extra heat. These bold flavors can take your homemade sauce to the next level, adding depth and complexity to your enchilada dish.

To incorporate these spices, simply sprinkle in a pinch of cayenne pepper or chipotle chile powder while simmering your enchilada sauce. Start with a small amount and taste as you go, adjusting the heat level to your preference. Keep in mind that both spices pack a punch, so a little goes a long way.

If you prefer a milder heat, you can opt for paprika or regular chili powder instead. These spices will still provide a subtle kick without overpowering the other flavors in your enchilada sauce.

To ensure the spices are evenly distributed throughout the sauce, give it a good stir before serving. This will help to blend the flavors and ensure each bite is bursting with deliciousness. Whether you’re a spice lover or someone who enjoys a milder taste, adding extra spices to your enchilada sauce is a simple way to elevate the flavor and customize it to your liking.

SpiceHeat LevelFlavor Profile
Cayenne PepperHighHot and intense
Chipotle Chile PowderMedium to highSmoky and slightly sweet
PaprikaLowMild and slightly sweet
Regular Chili PowderLow to mediumMild and earthy


By exploring the different substitutes for chicken broth in enchilada sauce, you can accommodate dietary restrictions or preferences without compromising on flavor. Whether you’re a vegetarian looking for a meat-free option or someone seeking a healthier alternative, there are plenty of choices to suit your needs.

One popular substitute for chicken broth in enchilada sauce is vegetable broth. This lighter and milder option is perfect for vegetarians or those who prefer a less intense flavor. Simply replace the chicken broth with vegetable broth in your recipe, and you’ll have a delicious sauce that still enhances the taste of your enchiladas.

Another option is to use whole wheat flour in place of all-purpose flour and olive oil instead of canola or vegetable oil. This provides a healthier and more nutritious alternative, making your homemade enchilada sauce even better for you. The whole wheat flour adds a nutty flavor, while the olive oil adds richness and depth.

For those who enjoy a bit of heat, consider adding additional spices like cayenne pepper or chipotle chile powder to your enchilada sauce. This allows you to customize the sauce according to your personal preference, giving it that extra kick of flavor and spice.

Lastly, don’t forget that you can freeze your homemade enchilada sauce for up to 3 months. This makes it convenient for future use, saving you time and effort in the kitchen. Simply portion out the sauce into freezer-safe containers, label them, and store them in the freezer until you’re ready to use them again.

With these substitutes and freezing option in mind, you can confidently make homemade enchilada sauce that suits your dietary needs and preferences. So go ahead, get creative, and enjoy the flavors of enchiladas without the chicken broth!


How long can homemade enchilada sauce be frozen?

Homemade enchilada sauce can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Can I substitute vegetable broth for chicken broth in enchilada sauce?

Yes, vegetable broth can be used as a substitute for chicken broth in enchilada sauce.

Can I use whole wheat flour and olive oil instead of all-purpose flour and canola/vegetable oil in enchilada sauce?

Yes, whole wheat flour and olive oil can be used as alternatives in enchilada sauce.

Can I add additional spices for more heat in enchilada sauce?

Yes, additional spices like cayenne pepper or chipotle chile powder can be added to enhance the heat and flavor of enchilada sauce.

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