substitute for chicken broth in potato soup

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When you run out of chicken broth or need a vegan alternative for your potato soup, you can try these 5 easy substitutes.

1. Mushrooms: Use a handful of dried or fresh shiitake mushrooms boiled in water for 20 to 30 minutes to create an umami-rich broth.

2. Citrus Juice: Replace the broth with a mixture of citrus juice and water in a 1 to 2 ratio. It adds a tangy perkiness to the soup.

3. Jam and Dried Fruit: Replace the broth with water and 2 to 3 tablespoons of jam or finely chopped dried fruit. Apricots, cherries, plums, or figs work well and add a fruity twist.

4. Tomatoes: Use half water and half diced fresh tomatoes or homemade tomato sauce to replace the broth. Alternatively, boil water with dried tomatoes and use the soaking liquid. Blending the dried tomatoes adds extra rich flavor.

5. Wine: Replace the broth with water and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of wine. White wine brightens the soup, while red wine adds a deep, earthy flavor.

These substitutes offer flavorful options to make your potato soup even without chicken broth.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mushrooms can be used to create an umami-rich broth for potato soup.
  • Citrus juice adds a tangy perkiness to the soup as a substitute for chicken broth.
  • Jam or dried fruit, such as apricots, cherries, plums, or figs, can provide a fruity twist to the soup.
  • Tomatoes, either fresh or dried, can replace chicken broth and add rich flavors to the potato soup.
  • Wine, whether white or red, can be used to substitute for chicken broth and enhance the taste of the soup.

Mushroom Broth Substitute

One effective substitute for chicken broth in potato soup is to use a handful of dried or fresh shiitake mushrooms boiled in water for 20 to 30 minutes to create an umami-rich broth.

Shiitake mushrooms are known for their intense flavor and aroma, making them an excellent choice for adding depth to your potato soup. To prepare the mushroom broth, simply place the mushrooms in a pot of water and bring it to a boil. Let the mushrooms simmer for 20 to 30 minutes, allowing their essence to infuse the liquid. The resulting mushroom broth can be strained and used as a flavorful substitute for chicken broth in your potato soup recipe.

In addition to providing a rich and savory taste, the mushroom broth also adds a unique earthy undertone to the soup. This substitution is especially suitable for vegetarians and vegans, as it offers a plant-based alternative without compromising on flavor. Whether you choose dried or fresh shiitake mushrooms, this easy substitute will elevate your potato soup to new levels of deliciousness.

Handful of dried or fresh shiitake mushrooms1. Place the mushrooms in a pot of water.
Water2. Bring the water to a boil and let the mushrooms simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.
3. Strain the broth and use it as a substitute for chicken broth in your potato soup recipe.

Citrus Juice Alternative

Another alternative for chicken broth in potato soup is to replace it with a mixture of citrus juice and water in a 1 to 2 ratio, which adds a tangy perkiness to the soup. This substitution is perfect for those looking to enhance the flavors of their potato soup with a refreshing twist.

To create the citrus-infused broth, simply combine one part citrus juice (such as lemon, lime, or orange) with two parts water. The acidity of the citrus juice adds brightness and depth to the soup, balancing the richness of the potatoes.

When using this substitute, it is best to start with a small amount of citrus juice and gradually adjust to taste. The citrus flavor should complement the potato soup without overpowering it. Remember to consider the specific flavors of the citrus juice you choose, as each one brings its own unique profile to the dish.

Overall, the citrus juice alternative offers a delightful and zesty option for those seeking a substitute for chicken broth in potato soup. It is a simple yet effective way to bring a tangy twist to your favorite comfort food. Give it a try and enjoy the vibrant flavors it adds to your soup!

1 part citrus juice (lemon, lime, or orange)1. In a pot, combine one part citrus juice with two parts water.
2 parts water2. Heat the mixture over medium heat until it simmers.
3. Use the citrus-infused broth as a substitute for chicken broth in your potato soup recipe.

Jam and Dried Fruit Swap

For a unique twist, you can replace the chicken broth in your potato soup with water and 2 to 3 tablespoons of jam or finely chopped dried fruit, such as apricots, cherries, plums, or figs. This substitute adds a fruity twist to your soup, enhancing its flavors and providing a delightful surprise for your taste buds.

To make this substitution, simply mix the jam or dried fruit with water and add it to your potato soup. The sweetness of the jam or dried fruit complements the hearty potatoes, creating a delicious balance of flavors. You can experiment with different types of jam or dried fruit to find your favorite combination.

If you prefer a smoother texture, you can blend the jam or dried fruit with water before adding it to the soup. This will give your soup a velvety consistency and ensure that the flavors are evenly distributed. Whether you choose to finely chop the dried fruit or blend it into a smooth puree, this substitute will elevate your potato soup to new heights of deliciousness.

SubstituteIngredientsFlavor Profile
JamWater, 2 to 3 tablespoons of jamDeliciously sweet with a hint of tanginess
Dried FruitWater, 2 to 3 tablespoons of finely chopped dried fruitNaturally fruity and slightly chewy

By using jam or dried fruit as a substitute for chicken broth in your potato soup, you can create a unique and satisfying dish that will impress your family and friends. So go ahead and get creative in the kitchen – it’s time to take your potato soup to the next level!

Tomato and Wine Options

Two additional options for replacing chicken broth in potato soup include using tomatoes – either diced fresh ones or homemade tomato sauce mixed with water – or using wine, either white or red, depending on the desired taste.

Diced fresh tomatoes can bring a vibrant burst of flavor to your potato soup. Simply use half water and half diced tomatoes to replace the chicken broth. If you prefer a more concentrated tomato flavor, you can also use homemade tomato sauce mixed with water. The combination of tomatoes and water creates a delicious base that complements the creamy texture of the potatoes.

If you’re looking to add a unique twist to your potato soup, consider using wine as a substitute for chicken broth. White wine can help brighten up the flavors of the soup, while red wine adds a deep, earthy richness. Replace the chicken broth with water and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of wine, depending on your preference. Adding wine can elevate the taste profile of your potato soup and create a delightful dining experience.

With these tomato and wine options, you can easily create a delicious potato soup without chicken broth. Whether you choose to use fresh tomatoes or homemade tomato sauce, or opt for the brightness of white wine or the depth of red wine, these substitutes offer a range of flavorful alternatives that cater to various tastes and dietary needs.


These 5 substitutes offer flavorful options to make your potato soup even without chicken broth, allowing you to accommodate dietary needs and explore alternative choices while maintaining great taste.

Mushrooms provide an umami-rich broth when boiled in water, adding depth and robustness to your soup. Citrus juice, mixed with water, adds a tangy perkiness that enhances the flavors of the potatoes. For a fruity twist, replace the broth with water and a few tablespoons of jam or finely chopped dried fruit like apricots, cherries, plums, or figs.

Tomatoes offer a versatile option, whether you prefer diced fresh tomatoes or homemade tomato sauce mixed with water, or the intensified flavor of dried tomatoes and their soaking liquid. And if you’re looking for a touch of elegance, replace the broth with water and a splash of white or red wine, bringing brightness or a deep earthiness to your potato soup.

With these substitutions, you can create a delicious potato soup that satisfies your cravings and accommodates different dietary preferences. Enjoy the rich flavors and unique twists that these alternatives bring to your table.


What are some substitutes for chicken broth in potato soup?

There are several easy substitutes you can try:

How can I make a mushroom broth substitute?

To create a mushroom broth substitute, boil a handful of dried or fresh shiitake mushrooms in water for 20 to 30 minutes.

Can I use citrus juice as an alternative to chicken broth?

Yes, you can replace chicken broth with a mixture of citrus juice and water in a 1 to 2 ratio to add a tangy perkiness to your potato soup.

What can I use instead of chicken broth with jam and dried fruit?

To replace chicken broth with jam and dried fruit, add water and 2 to 3 tablespoons of jam or finely chopped dried fruit, such as apricots, cherries, plums, or figs.

How can I substitute chicken broth with tomatoes?

You can use half water and half diced fresh tomatoes or homemade tomato sauce to replace chicken broth. Alternatively, boil water with dried tomatoes and use the soaking liquid for added flavor.

Can I use wine as a substitute for chicken broth in potato soup?

Yes, you can replace chicken broth with water and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of wine. White wine will brighten the soup, while red wine will add a deep, earthy flavor.

What are the benefits of using these substitutes?

These substitutes offer flavorful options to make your potato soup even without chicken broth. They allow you to accommodate dietary needs and provide alternative choices without compromising taste.

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