substitute for cornstarch in waffles

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If you’re looking for alternatives to cornstarch in your waffle recipes, we’ve got you covered with these 7 top substitutes. Whether you’re out of cornstarch or simply want to explore different options, there are several ingredients that can provide the same thickening power and texture you desire in your waffles.

Key Takeaways:

  • All-purpose flour can be used as a substitute for cornstarch, although it won’t give the same glossy shine.
  • Arrowroot powder and potato starch have similar thickening power as cornstarch but may not hold or reheat as well.
  • Rice flour can be used as an alternative, but you’ll need to use double the amount since it has half the thickening power of cornstarch.
  • Tapioca starch is another option, but you’ll also need to use double the amount as it has less thickening power than cornstarch.
  • Ultimately, the best substitute for cornstarch in waffles will depend on personal preference and the desired texture and consistency of the waffles.

All-Purpose Flour: A Versatile Option for Waffle Recipes

A versatile option for replacing cornstarch in waffles, all-purpose flour can be used as a stable thickener, although it may not produce the same shiny texture. When substituting cornstarch with all-purpose flour, it is important to note that the quantity required may vary. For every tablespoon of cornstarch, you will need to use two tablespoons of all-purpose flour. This ensures the desired thickness and consistency of your waffle batter.

All-purpose flour is readily available in most kitchens, making it a convenient choice for those who want to avoid using cornstarch. It blends easily with other ingredients, helping to create a smooth and uniform batter. However, it is essential to remember that all-purpose flour lacks the glossy finish that cornstarch provides. While this may not affect the taste or overall quality of your waffles, it is worth considering if presentation is important to you.

Creating Perfectly Fluffy Waffles with All-Purpose Flour

To achieve the best results when using all-purpose flour as a substitute for cornstarch, it is recommended to sift the flour before adding it to the recipe. This helps to remove any lumps and ensures a smoother batter. Additionally, you can enhance the texture of your waffles by incorporating other ingredients such as baking powder or soda to add some fluffiness.

All-Purpose FlourCornstarch
2 tablespoons1 tablespoon

By following these guidelines and experimenting with the quantity of all-purpose flour in your waffle recipes, you can create delicious and satisfying waffles without the need for cornstarch. Remember to consider your personal preference and desired texture as you explore this versatile alternative.

Arrowroot Powder and Potato Starch

For those looking for substitutes that closely mimic the thickening power and glossy sauce texture of cornstarch, arrowroot powder and potato starch are excellent options. These alternatives have similar properties to cornstarch and can be used in waffle recipes without compromising texture or taste.

Arrowroot powder is a fine white flour that is derived from the root of the arrowroot plant. It has a neutral taste and is gluten-free, making it a popular choice for those with dietary restrictions. When used as a substitute for cornstarch in waffles, arrowroot powder provides the same level of thickening and creates a glossy sauce, just like cornstarch.

Potato starch, on the other hand, is derived from potatoes and is also gluten-free. It has a slightly sweet taste and is known for its excellent thickening properties. When used in waffle recipes as a substitute for cornstarch, potato starch creates a smooth texture and adds a glossy finish to the waffles.

To use arrowroot powder or potato starch as a substitute for cornstarch in waffles, simply replace the cornstarch with an equal amount of either alternative. Keep in mind that both arrowroot powder and potato starch do not hold or reheat as well as cornstarch, so it is best to serve the waffles immediately after cooking for optimal texture and consistency.

Table: Comparison of Arrowroot Powder and Potato Starch as Substitutes for Cornstarch

PropertyArrowroot PowderPotato Starch
Thickening PowerSimilar to cornstarchSimilar to cornstarch
TextureSmooth and glossySmooth and glossy
TasteNeutralSlightly sweet

In summary, arrowroot powder and potato starch are excellent alternatives to cornstarch in waffles. They both provide similar thickening power and create a glossy sauce, adding to the overall texture and taste of the waffles. Whether you choose arrowroot powder or potato starch will come down to personal preference and dietary needs. Experiment with both options to find the one that best suits your taste and desired outcome.

Rice Flour as a Substitute for Cornstarch in Waffles

If you prefer rice flour, it can be used as a substitute for cornstarch in waffles, although you’ll need to use double the amount due to its lower thickening power. Rice flour is a gluten-free alternative that provides a unique texture to your waffles. It’s made from finely ground rice and can be found in most grocery stores.

When using rice flour, keep in mind that it has about half the thickening power of cornstarch. This means you’ll need to adjust the quantity accordingly. For example, if your recipe calls for 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, you’ll need to use 2 tablespoons of rice flour. This will help ensure that your waffles have the desired consistency and texture.

CornstarchRice Flour
1 tablespoon2 tablespoons
2 tablespoons4 tablespoons
1/4 cup1/2 cup

It’s important to note that rice flour doesn’t provide the same glossy shine as cornstarch. However, it does give your waffles a slightly denser and chewier texture. If you enjoy the taste and texture of rice flour, it can be a great alternative to cornstarch in your waffle recipes.

Ultimately, the choice of substitute for cornstarch in waffles comes down to personal preference and the desired texture of your waffles. Whether you choose all-purpose flour, arrowroot powder, potato starch, rice flour, or tapioca starch, each option offers its own unique characteristics. Experiment with different substitutes to find the one that best suits your taste and dietary needs. Happy waffle-making!

Tapioca Starch as a Substitute for Cornstarch in Waffles

Tapioca starch can be used as a substitute for cornstarch in waffles, offering a gluten-free alternative for those with dietary restrictions or preferences. However, it’s important to keep in mind that tapioca starch has a lower thickening power compared to cornstarch, so you’ll need to use double the amount to achieve a similar result.

When using tapioca starch in waffles, it’s recommended to mix it with other flours to ensure a balanced texture and flavor. Combining tapioca starch with all-purpose flour or rice flour can help create a satisfyingly crispy exterior while maintaining a light and fluffy interior.

While tapioca starch doesn’t provide the same glossy shine as cornstarch, it still contributes to a delightful texture in waffles. The tapioca starch helps to bind the ingredients together and adds a subtle chewiness to the finished product.

CornstarchTapioca Starch
Thickening PowerHigh
Quantity NeededSame as recipe, but double the amount compared to cornstarch
Texture ResultChewy and tender

Ultimately, the choice of substitute for cornstarch in waffles comes down to personal preference and desired texture. Tapioca starch can offer a satisfying alternative, but it’s important to adjust the amount used to achieve the desired thickness. Experimenting with different substitutes and ratios can help you discover your perfect waffle recipe without cornstarch.

Personal Preference and Texture

The ideal substitute for cornstarch in waffles will vary depending on individual preferences and the desired texture and consistency of the waffles. When considering alternatives, it is important to understand how each option may affect the final outcome.

All-Purpose Flour:

One common substitute for cornstarch in waffles is all-purpose flour. It is a stable thickener that can be used in equal amounts as a replacement. However, it’s important to note that using all-purpose flour may result in a slightly different texture and appearance than when using cornstarch. While it won’t produce the same glossy shine seen with cornstarch, it is a reliable option that many people prefer due to its accessibility and affordability.

Arrowroot Powder and Potato Starch:

Another option to consider is arrowroot powder and potato starch. These alternatives have similar thickening power to cornstarch and can create a shiny sauce. However, it’s worth mentioning that they may not hold or reheat as well as cornstarch, so it’s important to factor in these considerations when deciding on a substitute. If maintaining a glossy appearance is a priority, arrowroot powder and potato starch can be excellent choices.

Rice Flour:

Rice flour is yet another alternative to cornstarch in waffles. However, it’s important to keep in mind that rice flour has approximately half the thickening power of cornstarch. Therefore, when using rice flour, you will need to use double the amount. This may affect the texture and consistency of the waffles, so it’s important to consider personal preference when deciding whether to use rice flour as a substitute.

Tapioca Starch:

Tapioca starch is another substitute worth considering. However, it is important to note that tapioca starch does not have the same thickening power as cornstarch. To compensate for this, you will need to use double the amount of tapioca starch when substituting. This adjustment may influence the texture and overall outcome of the waffles, so it is important to take personal preferences into account when using tapioca starch as an alternative.

Ultimately, the best substitute for cornstarch in waffles will depend on personal preference and the desired texture and consistency of the waffles. Each alternative has its own unique characteristics, so it may be worth experimenting with different options to find the perfect substitute that satisfies your taste buds and culinary expectations.

SubstituteThickening PowerTextureReheating Ability
All-Purpose FlourEqual to cornstarchSlightly different
Arrowroot Powder & Potato StarchEqual to cornstarchMay not hold wellMay not reheat well
Rice FlourHalf the thickening power of cornstarchMay affect texture
Tapioca StarchLess thickening power than cornstarchMay affect texture

Revisiting the options

To recap, we’ve explored several options for substituting cornstarch in waffles, highlighting their thickening power, texture, and quantity adjustments. Let’s take a closer look at each alternative:

All-purpose flour

All-purpose flour is a reliable substitute for cornstarch in waffles. It has thickening properties, although it may not provide the same glossy shine as cornstarch. When using all-purpose flour, you can expect slightly different results in texture, but it is a readily available and versatile option.

Arrowroot powder and potato starch

Both arrowroot powder and potato starch can be used as alternatives to cornstarch in waffles. They offer the same thickening power as cornstarch and can create a shiny sauce. However, it’s worth noting that these substitutes may not hold or reheat as well as cornstarch. So if you plan to make waffles in advance or reheat leftovers, you may want to consider other options.

Rice flour

Rice flour is another alternative for cornstarch in waffles. It has about half the thickening power of cornstarch, so you’ll need to use double the amount. While it can work as a substitute, keep in mind that it may result in a slightly different texture and consistency.

Tapioca starch

Tapioca starch can also be used as a substitute for cornstarch in waffles. However, it does not have the same thickening power as cornstarch, so you’ll need to use double the amount. Like rice flour, tapioca starch may result in a slightly different texture, depending on your personal preferences.

Ultimately, the best substitute for cornstarch in waffles will depend on your personal preference and desired texture. Whether you choose all-purpose flour, arrowroot powder, potato starch, rice flour, or tapioca starch, consider the characteristics of each alternative and experiment to find the perfect substitute for your waffle recipe. Now, let’s summarize all the alternatives in the table below for easy reference:

SubstituteThickening PowerTextureQuantity Adjustment
All-purpose flourMediumSlightly differentN/A
Arrowroot powder / Potato starchHighSlightly different, doesn’t hold/reheat wellN/A
Rice flourHalf of cornstarchSlightly differentDouble the amount
Tapioca starchHalf of cornstarchSlightly differentDouble the amount


With these substitute options in mind, you can confidently experiment and find the perfect alternative to cornstarch for your waffle recipes.

When substituting for cornstarch in waffles, there are several options to choose from. All-purpose flour is a stable thickener that can be used as a substitute for cornstarch, although it won’t produce the same glossy shine. Arrowroot powder and potato starch have the same thickening power as cornstarch and create a shiny sauce, but they don’t hold or reheat well. Rice flour is another option, but it has half the thickening power of cornstarch, so you’ll need to use double the amount. Tapioca starch is another substitute, although it doesn’t have the same thickening power as cornstarch, so you’ll need to use double the amount.

Overall, the best substitute for cornstarch in waffles will depend on personal preference and the desired texture and consistency of the waffles. Consider whether you prioritize a glossy appearance, reheating capabilities, or a particular thickness. Each substitute offers its own unique characteristics, allowing you to tailor your waffles according to your preference.

With these substitute options in mind, you now have the knowledge to make an informed decision when it comes to replacing cornstarch in your waffle recipes. Whether you choose all-purpose flour, arrowroot powder, potato starch, rice flour, or tapioca starch, experimenting with these alternatives will help you achieve the desired results in your waffles.


What can I use as a substitute for cornstarch in waffles?

There are several alternatives to cornstarch that can be used in waffles, including all-purpose flour, arrowroot powder, potato starch, rice flour, and tapioca starch.

Can I use all-purpose flour instead of cornstarch in waffles?

Yes, all-purpose flour can be used as a substitute for cornstarch in waffles. However, it won’t produce the same glossy shine as cornstarch.

What is the thickening power of arrowroot powder and potato starch?

Arrowroot powder and potato starch have the same thickening power as cornstarch and can create a shiny sauce. However, they don’t hold or reheat well.

How does rice flour compare to cornstarch in terms of thickening power?

Rice flour has half the thickening power of cornstarch, so you’ll need to use double the amount when substituting it in waffles.

Can tapioca starch be used as a substitute for cornstarch in waffles?

Yes, tapioca starch can be used as a substitute for cornstarch in waffles. However, it doesn’t have the same thickening power, so you’ll need to use double the amount.

How should I choose the best substitute for cornstarch in waffles?

The best substitute will depend on personal preference and the desired texture and consistency of the waffles. Consider experimenting with different alternatives to find the one that suits your taste.

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