substitute for tomato paste in curry sauce

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Running out of tomato paste while cooking curry sauce can be frustrating, but there’s no need to worry. Here are five simple substitutes that will save the day.

When you run out of tomato paste while cooking, there are several easy substitutes you can use in curry sauce. One option is to use canned tomato sauce or tomato puree, mixed with a little sugar and by reducing the other liquids in the recipe. Another substitute is ketchup, although it has a saltier and sweeter flavor. Other substitutes include using canned tomatoes or fresh tomatoes that are pureed and reduced in the curry sauce. These substitutes can help you achieve a similar flavor and texture in your curry sauce when tomato paste is not available.

In this section, we will explore five easy and delicious alternatives to tomato paste that can be used in curry sauce when you run out of it. These substitutes will help you maintain the flavor and texture of your curry sauce without compromising on taste.

Canned Tomato Sauce or Tomato Puree

Canned tomato sauce or tomato puree can be an excellent substitute for tomato paste in curry sauce, providing a similar depth of flavor and richness. To use canned tomato sauce or tomato puree as a replacement, start by adjusting the other ingredients in your recipe to maintain the desired consistency and taste.

If you are using canned tomato sauce, consider reducing the other liquids in your curry sauce recipe to prevent it from becoming too watery. This will help maintain the thickness that tomato paste would provide. Additionally, you may want to add a small amount of sugar to balance the natural acidity of the tomato sauce.

If you prefer to use tomato puree, you can follow a similar approach. Reduce the other liquids in your recipe and consider adding a pinch of sugar to enhance the natural sweetness of the tomatoes. Tomato puree tends to have a more concentrated flavor, so you may need to adjust the seasoning accordingly.

Remember that the overall taste of your curry sauce may be slightly different when using canned tomato sauce or tomato puree instead of tomato paste. However, these substitutes can still deliver a delicious and satisfying curry sauce when you find yourself without tomato paste in your pantry.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy substitute for tomato paste in your curry sauce, ketchup can be an effective option. Ketchup is a versatile condiment that adds a tangy and slightly sweet flavor to dishes. When using ketchup as a substitute, keep in mind that it has a saltier taste compared to tomato paste, so you may need to adjust the other seasonings in your recipe accordingly.

To use ketchup as a substitute for tomato paste in curry sauce, start by adding a small amount and taste as you go. You can always add more if needed. It’s also a good idea to reduce the amount of other liquids in the recipe to maintain the desired consistency of the sauce.

Here is a simple guide to using ketchup as a substitute for tomato paste in curry sauce:

1. Start with a small amount of ketchup, about 1 to 2 tablespoons, and stir it into your curry sauce.
2. Taste the sauce and adjust the amount of ketchup based on your preference and the flavors of the other ingredients.
3. If the sauce becomes too thin due to the added liquid from the ketchup, consider reducing the amount of other liquids in the recipe, such as broth or coconut milk, to maintain the desired thickness.
4. Continue to simmer the sauce to allow the flavors to meld together and develop.

Remember, experimenting with different substitutes is part of the fun of cooking, so don’t be afraid to try different options and see which one you prefer. By using ketchup as a substitute for tomato paste in curry sauce, you can still enjoy a flavorful and delicious dish even when you don’t have tomato paste on hand.

Canned Tomatoes or Fresh Tomatoes

If you prefer a more natural and fresh alternative to tomato paste, you can use canned tomatoes or fresh tomatoes in your curry sauce. These options provide a vibrant and authentic flavor that can elevate your dish to a new level. Here are some steps to guide you through using canned tomatoes or fresh tomatoes as substitutes:

  1. For canned tomatoes, choose the ones that are packed in their own juices or puree. This will ensure that you have the right consistency for your curry sauce.
  2. If using fresh tomatoes, make sure to choose ripe ones that are flavorful and juicy. You can peel and seed the tomatoes before pureeing them for a smoother texture.
  3. To incorporate the tomatoes into your curry sauce, start by heating some oil in a pan. Add onions, garlic, and your preferred spices and cook them until fragrant.
  4. Add the canned tomatoes or pureed fresh tomatoes to the pan and stir well. Let the mixture simmer over low heat, allowing the flavors to meld together.
  5. If the sauce becomes too thin, you can thicken it by simmering it for a longer period of time or adding a small amount of tomato paste, if desired.
  6. Remember to adjust the seasonings according to your taste preferences, as using canned tomatoes or fresh tomatoes may alter the overall flavor of your curry sauce.

By utilizing canned tomatoes or fresh tomatoes as substitutes, you can maintain the essence of tomato flavor in your curry sauce even without tomato paste. Experiment with these alternatives to find the perfect balance of taste and texture for your dish.


Running out of tomato paste doesn’t have to be a cooking disaster. With these easy substitutes, you can still create a flavorful and delicious curry sauce.

When you find yourself without tomato paste, canned tomato sauce or tomato puree can come to the rescue. Simply mix them with a little sugar and reduce the other liquids in your recipe to achieve the desired consistency and flavor. This substitution will help you maintain the vibrant color and tangy taste of your curry sauce.

Another option is to use ketchup as a substitute for tomato paste. However, keep in mind that ketchup has a saltier and sweeter flavor profile. To balance the taste, adjust the other seasonings accordingly and proceed with caution when adding additional salt.

If you prefer a more natural alternative, canned tomatoes or fresh tomatoes can be pureed and reduced in your curry sauce. This method will require a bit more time and effort, but it will deliver a fresh and authentic taste. Remember to adjust the other ingredients to maintain the desired texture and flavor.

Overall, there are many substitutes for tomato paste in curry sauce that can help you overcome kitchen mishaps. Whether it’s canned tomato sauce, ketchup, or pureed tomatoes, these alternatives will ensure that your curry sauce remains delicious and satisfying. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different substitutions to find your preferred option. Happy cooking!


Can I substitute tomato paste with canned tomato sauce or tomato puree in curry sauce?

Yes, you can use canned tomato sauce or tomato puree as a substitute for tomato paste in curry sauce. Adjust the other ingredients and reduce the other liquids in the recipe to maintain the desired consistency and flavor.

Is ketchup a good substitute for tomato paste in curry sauce?

Yes, ketchup can be used as a substitute for tomato paste in curry sauce. However, keep in mind that ketchup has a saltier and sweeter flavor profile. Adjust the other seasonings in your recipe to balance the taste accordingly.

Can I use canned tomatoes or fresh tomatoes instead of tomato paste in curry sauce?

Absolutely! You can use canned tomatoes or fresh tomatoes that are pureed and reduced in curry sauce as alternatives to tomato paste. This will help you achieve a similar flavor and texture. Make sure to adjust the other ingredients and seasonings to compensate for the difference in taste.

What are some other substitutes for tomato paste in curry sauce?

Besides canned tomato sauce, tomato puree, ketchup, canned tomatoes, and fresh tomatoes, other substitutes include sun-dried tomatoes, tomato juice, or even a combination of tomato sauce and tomato paste. Experiment with these alternatives to find the one that suits your taste preferences.

What is the importance of adjusting other ingredients when substituting tomato paste in curry sauce?

Adjusting other ingredients is crucial when substituting tomato paste in curry sauce to maintain the desired flavor profile. The substitutes may have different flavors, consistencies, and levels of acidity, so it’s essential to make appropriate adjustments in other seasonings and liquids to create a balanced and delicious curry sauce.

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