Substitutes for chicken broth

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Are you in need of substitutes for chicken broth to enhance your recipes? Look no further as we bring you 15 ideal alternatives that can easily replace chicken broth in all your cooking endeavors. Chicken broth is a versatile ingredient in many recipes, but there are times when you may need a substitute. Here are 15 ideal substitutes for chicken broth:

Key Takeaways:

  • Vegetable broth: Similar in flavor and color to chicken broth.
  • Water: Can be used as a substitute, especially in smaller amounts or as a base for a vegetable broth.
  • Chicken bouillon cubes: Dissolve 1 cube in 1 cup of hot water for a concentrated flavor.
  • White wine: Use in recipes that call for small amounts of chicken broth for deglazing or thinning out a sauce.
  • Chicken base or chicken broth concentrate: Dissolve in hot water and use as a substitute.

Vegetable Broth: A Flavorful Alternative

When it comes to substituting chicken broth, vegetable broth stands out as a flavorful alternative that can seamlessly replace it in many recipes. Vegetable broth shares a similar flavor and color profile to chicken broth, making it a versatile option for various dishes.

Vegetable broth can be used in a 1:1 ratio as a substitute for chicken broth, making it an easy swap in recipes that call for this ingredient. Whether it’s soups, stews, or sauces, vegetable broth adds depth and richness to your culinary creations.

If you’re looking to make your own vegetable broth, all you need are some fresh vegetables like carrots, celery, onions, and herbs, simmered in water for a flavorful base. Alternatively, you can purchase pre-made vegetable broth from stores, ensuring the same convenience as chicken broth.

Expand your cooking repertoire by incorporating vegetable broth as a substitute for chicken broth in your favorite recipes. The next time you’re in need of an alternative, reach for vegetable broth and elevate the flavors of your dishes.

Water: A Simple Alternative

If you find yourself without chicken broth, fear not! Water can come to the rescue as a simple yet effective substitute, especially in smaller quantities or when creating your own vegetable broth. While it may not add the same depth of flavor as chicken broth, water can still provide a neutral base for your recipes.

When using water as a substitute, it’s important to consider the overall flavor profile of your dish. If you’re making a soup or stew, for example, you can enhance the taste by adding aromatic herbs, spices, and seasonings. This allows you to customize the flavors and tailor them to your liking.

If you’re looking to make a homemade vegetable broth, water can serve as an excellent base. Simply combine water with a variety of vegetables, such as onions, carrots, celery, and herbs, and simmer them together to extract their flavors. This homemade vegetable broth can then be used as a substitute for chicken broth in your recipes.

Tips for Using Water as a Substitute:

  • Add aromatic herbs, spices, and seasonings to enhance the flavor of your dish.
  • Consider using water as a base for homemade vegetable broth.
  • Adjust the other ingredients in your recipe to ensure a balanced flavor profile.

Water may not provide the exact taste of chicken broth, but it can still be a reliable substitute in a pinch. By getting creative with your seasonings and exploring the world of homemade broths, you can still enjoy delicious and flavorful dishes even without chicken broth on hand.

Chicken Bouillon Cubes: A Concentrated Flavor Boost

For a quick and easy substitute that packs a punch of flavor, chicken bouillon cubes are the ideal choice. Dissolving one cube in hot water creates a concentrated broth that can be seamlessly integrated into your recipes. Whether you’re making a soup, a sauce, or any dish that requires chicken broth, these cubes offer a convenient and flavor-packed solution.

Chicken bouillon cubes are made from dehydrated chicken stock, herbs, and spices, giving them a rich and savory taste. Simply dissolve one cube in one cup of hot water, and you’ll have a flavorful broth ready to enhance your recipe. The concentrated nature of these cubes means that you can use them in smaller quantities, which is especially useful when you need just a hint of chicken broth flavor.

When using chicken bouillon cubes as a substitute for chicken broth, keep in mind that they are saltier than traditional broth. Adjust the amount of salt you add to your recipe accordingly. Additionally, these cubes can add some depth and complexity to your dishes, making them a versatile option for any recipe that calls for chicken broth.


  • Store chicken bouillon cubes in an airtight container to maintain their freshness and prevent clumping.
  • Always taste your dish before adding additional salt, as the cubes already contain salt.
  • Experiment with different brands and flavors of chicken bouillon cubes to find the one that best suits your taste preferences.

Next time you find yourself without chicken broth, reach for chicken bouillon cubes. Their concentrated flavor and convenience make them a go-to substitute that will elevate your recipes without any fuss.

White Wine: For Deglazing and Thinning

If you’re looking to add depth and complexity to your dishes, white wine can be an excellent substitute for small amounts of chicken broth, particularly when deglazing pans or thinning out sauces. Its acidity and fruity undertones provide a unique flavor profile that enhances the overall taste of your recipe.

To use white wine as a substitute, simply replace the chicken broth with an equal amount of white wine. When deglazing a pan, pour a small amount of white wine into the hot pan and use a spatula or wooden spoon to scrape up the flavorful browned bits from the bottom. This process adds richness and intensity to your sauce or gravy. Similarly, when a recipe calls for a thinner consistency, such as a soup or sauce, adding a splash of white wine can help achieve the desired texture.

Here are a few key points to remember when using white wine as a substitute for chicken broth:

  • Use dry white wine, such as Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay, as sweet wines may alter the flavor of your dish.
  • Start with smaller amounts and adjust to taste. White wine can have a strong presence, so it’s important not to overpower your dish.
  • Consider the overall flavor profile of your recipe. While white wine works well in many dishes, it may not be suitable for certain cuisines or flavor combinations.

By incorporating white wine into your cooking, you can elevate the taste of your dishes and explore new dimensions of flavor. Whether you’re deglazing a pan or thinning out a sauce, this substitute for chicken broth adds a delightful twist to your culinary creations.

Chicken Base or Chicken Broth Concentrate: Intense Flavor in Small Quantities

When you need a concentrated burst of chicken flavor without the volume of liquid, chicken base or chicken broth concentrate is the perfect substitute. Simply dissolve them in hot water for a quick and intense chicken broth alternative.

Chicken base and chicken broth concentrate are highly concentrated forms of chicken flavoring that can be used to enhance the taste of various dishes. They provide an intense savory flavor without the need for large quantities of liquid. To use them as substitutes for chicken broth, dissolve the desired amount in hot water according to the package instructions.

These concentrated alternatives are particularly useful when you want to add a strong chicken taste to a recipe without overpowering other flavors. They work well in sauces, soups, gravies, and marinades. Additionally, since they are highly concentrated, you can easily adjust the level of chicken flavor to suit your preference.

Chicken base or chicken broth concentrate is a pantry staple that can come in handy when you’re in need of a quick and flavorful substitute for chicken broth. Just a small amount can go a long way in adding depth and richness to your dishes. Experiment with different brands and types of chicken base to find the one that best suits your taste and culinary needs.

Other Creative Substitutes

If you’re feeling adventurous or looking for a specific taste profile, there are even more creative substitutes for chicken broth. Consider using ingredients such as coconut milk, dashi, aquafaba, beef broth, crushed canned white beans, ramen seasoning, Italian seasoning, soy sauce, or even making your own homemade chicken broth for an added touch of flavor.

Coconut Milk

Coconut milk can be used as a substitute in certain dishes to add a creamy and tropical flavor. It works well in curries, soups, and stews, giving a unique twist to your recipes.


If you’re looking to add an earthy flavor to your dishes, dashi is a great option. This traditional Japanese soup stock is commonly used in seafood-based recipes, imparting a rich and savory taste.


Aquafaba is the liquid from canned chickpeas and is an excellent substitute for chicken broth in vegan cooking. It can be used to thicken sauces, soups, and even create fluffy vegan meringues.

Beef Broth

If you’re not strictly following a chicken-based recipe, beef broth can be used as an alternative. Made similarly to chicken broth, it adds a rich and robust flavor to dishes like beef stew or French onion soup.

Crushed Canned White Beans

Blend some canned white beans with water to create a thick and flavorful substitute for chicken broth. This option works particularly well in recipes like creamy bean soups or casseroles.

Ramen Seasoning

If you love the umami flavor of chicken broth in your ramen, try using ramen seasoning packets as a substitute. The combination of spices and flavors in the seasoning can add depth to your noodle dish.

Italian Seasoning

Another option for a savory substitute is Italian seasoning. Mix it with water to create a flavorful broth alternative that can be used in Italian-inspired recipes like risotto, pasta sauces, or minestrone soup.

Soy Sauce + Water

For a quick and easy substitute, combine soy sauce with water to create a savory broth-like flavor. Use it sparingly to avoid overpowering the dish, as soy sauce can be quite strong.

Homemade Chicken Broth

If you have the time and ingredients, making your own homemade chicken broth is a great way to add a personal touch to your recipes. Use leftover chicken bones and vegetables to create a flavorful base for soups, stews, and sauces.

These creative substitutes offer a range of flavors and options to experiment with in your recipes. Whether you’re looking for a creamier substitute, an umami boost, or a specific taste profile, these alternatives can help you achieve the desired result. Expand your culinary repertoire by exploring these substitutes for chicken broth and discover new dimensions of flavor in your cooking.

In Conclusion: Expanding Your Culinary Repertoire

By discovering and utilizing these substitutes for chicken broth, you can greatly expand your culinary repertoire and introduce exciting alternatives into your cooking. Whether you’re experimenting with new flavors or in need of a quick substitution, these alternatives offer a diverse range of options for enhancing your recipes.

From vegetable broth, which closely mimics the flavor and color of chicken broth, to the simplicity of using water as a base or in smaller amounts, there are various substitutes available to suit your needs. Chicken bouillon cubes provide a concentrated flavor boost, while white wine adds a touch of elegance when deglazing or thinning out sauces. For intense flavor in small quantities, consider using chicken base or chicken broth concentrate by dissolving them in hot water.

If you’re looking to get creative in the kitchen, try coconut milk for a creamy and tropical flavor, or dashi, a Japanese soup stock with an earthy taste that complements seafood dishes. Aquafaba, the liquid from canned chickpeas, can thicken your dishes and is an excellent choice for vegan cooking. You can also explore alternatives like beef broth, crushed canned white beans blended with water, or even ramen seasoning and Italian seasoning blended with water for a savory twist.

Remember, when using soy sauce as a substitute, use it sparingly to avoid overpowering the dish. And if you prefer a homemade touch, you can always make your own chicken broth or stock using leftover chicken and vegetables.

With these substitutes at your fingertips, you can confidently embark on new culinary adventures, adding depth and variety to your recipes. Whether you’re seeking alternatives for dietary restrictions, exploring different flavors, or simply need a quick substitution, these options will elevate your cooking and inspire your taste buds.


Can I use vegetable broth as a substitute for chicken broth?

Yes, vegetable broth is a great alternative to chicken broth. It has a similar flavor and color profile, making it versatile in many recipes.

Is water a suitable substitute for chicken broth?

Yes, you can use water as a substitute, especially in smaller amounts or as a base for a vegetable broth. It is a simple and accessible alternative.

Can I use chicken bouillon cubes instead of chicken broth?

Yes, chicken bouillon cubes can be dissolved in hot water to create a concentrated flavor similar to chicken broth. Use 1 cube dissolved in 1 cup of hot water.

Can I use white wine as a substitute for chicken broth?

Yes, white wine can be used in recipes that call for small amounts of chicken broth. It works well for deglazing or thinning out a sauce.

What is chicken base or chicken broth concentrate?

Chicken base or chicken broth concentrate is a condensed form of chicken broth. Dissolve it in hot water to use as a substitute for chicken broth.

What can I use if I don’t have chicken broth or stock?

There are several alternatives you can try. Some options include vegetable broth, chicken bouillon cubes, water, white wine, or even making your own homemade chicken broth using leftover chicken and vegetables.

Can I substitute coconut milk for chicken broth?

Yes, coconut milk can be used in certain dishes as a substitute for chicken broth. It adds a creamy and tropical flavor to recipes.

What is dashi and can it replace chicken broth?

Dashi is a Japanese soup stock with an earthy flavor. While it is commonly used in seafood dishes, it can be a substitute for chicken broth in certain recipes.

What is aquafaba and how can I use it as a chicken broth substitute?

Aquafaba is the liquid from canned chickpeas. It can be used as a thickening agent in dishes and is especially popular in vegan cooking as a substitute for chicken broth.

Can I use beef broth instead of chicken broth?

Yes, beef broth can be used as a substitute for chicken broth in certain dishes. It is made similarly to chicken broth and adds a different flavor profile.

How can I substitute crushed canned white beans for chicken broth?

You can blend crushed canned white beans with water to create a thick substitute for chicken broth. This is an excellent option for adding texture and flavor to recipes.

Can I use ramen seasoning as a substitute for chicken broth?

Yes, ramen seasoning can be used in place of chicken broth in soup or other dishes. It adds a unique flavor profile to the recipe.

Can I substitute Italian seasoning for chicken broth?

You can blend Italian seasoning with water to create a savory substitute for chicken broth. This adds a robust and aromatic flavor to the dish.

Can soy sauce and water be used as a chicken broth substitute?

Yes, a mixture of soy sauce and water can add a savory flavor to recipes as a substitute for chicken broth. Use it sparingly to avoid overpowering the dish.

What if I want to make my own chicken broth?

Making your own homemade chicken broth or stock is a great option. You can use leftover chicken bones and vegetables to create a flavorful base for your recipes.

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