substitute for sour cream in chimichanga

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Looking for a substitute for sour cream in your chimichanga recipe? We’ve got you covered with these 5 amazing alternatives that will bring out exquisite flavors while keeping it healthy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Make a homemade sour cream substitute using heavy cream, vinegar or lemon juice, and whole milk.
  • Greek yogurt can be used as a thick and tangy substitute for sour cream in chimichangas.
  • Explore other creamy alternatives like cream cheese, buttermilk, kefir, crème fraîche, and Mexican crema.
  • Get creative with unconventional substitutes such as mayonnaise, cottage cheese, and coconut milk.
  • These substitutes can be used in equal amounts to replace sour cream in chimichanga recipes.

Homemade Sour Cream Substitute

If you don’t have sour cream on hand, you can easily make a homemade substitute by whisking together heavy cream, vinegar or lemon juice, and whole milk. This simple recipe will give you a creamy and tangy alternative that works perfectly in chimichangas. Here’s how to do it:

  1. In a mixing bowl, pour 1 cup of heavy cream.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of distilled white vinegar or lemon juice to the cream.
  3. Whisk the mixture gently until the cream starts to thicken.
  4. Let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes to allow the acid from the vinegar or lemon juice to activate.
  5. After 10 minutes, stir in ¼ cup of whole milk to thin out the mixture slightly.

This homemade sour cream substitute can be used in chimichanga recipes as a one-to-one replacement for sour cream. Its creamy texture and tangy flavor will add a delicious element to your dish without the need to make a trip to the grocery store.

Exploring More Substitutes

While homemade sour cream substitutes are a great option, there are a variety of other alternatives that can be used in chimichangas. Greek yogurt is one such substitute, offering a similarly thick and tangy consistency to sour cream. Additionally, cream cheese, buttermilk, kefir, crème fraîche, Mexican crema, mayonnaise, cottage cheese, and even coconut milk can all be used as alternatives. These options provide unique flavors and textures that can be tailored to your taste preferences. Whether you’re looking for a healthier option or simply don’t have sour cream on hand, these substitutes will ensure your chimichangas are just as delicious.

Greek Yogurt: A Fantastic Alternative for Sour Cream in Chimichangas

Greek yogurt is a fantastic alternative to sour cream in chimichangas, thanks to its creamy texture and tangy flavor. It serves as an excellent substitute, seamlessly blending into your favorite chimichanga recipes while adding a delightful twist. Whether you’re looking to reduce calories or simply want to switch things up, Greek yogurt is a versatile ingredient that can effortlessly elevate your dish.

One of the key reasons why Greek yogurt works so well as a replacement for sour cream is its thick consistency. It provides a similar richness to sour cream, ensuring that your chimichangas remain satisfyingly creamy. Additionally, the tanginess of Greek yogurt adds a refreshing zing to your dish, enhancing the overall flavor profile.

To use Greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream in chimichangas, simply swap it in equal amounts. If your recipe calls for one cup of sour cream, use one cup of Greek yogurt instead. This straightforward substitution allows you to enjoy the creamy, tangy goodness of chimichangas without sacrificing flavor or texture.

Benefits of Using Greek Yogurt in Chimichangas:

  • Reduced Fat: Greek yogurt is lower in fat than sour cream, making it a healthier option.
  • Protein Powerhouse: Greek yogurt is packed with protein, adding nutritional value to your chimichangas.
  • An Easy Swap: Greek yogurt can be easily substituted for sour cream in equal amounts.
  • Delicious Twist: The tangy flavor of Greek yogurt adds an exciting dimension to your chimichangas.

By incorporating Greek yogurt as a substitute for sour cream, you can enjoy a lighter, yet equally delicious, version of your favorite chimichanga recipe. Experiment with this versatile ingredient and discover a new twist on a classic dish. So don’t hesitate to give Greek yogurt a try and elevate your chimichangas to new heights of creamy perfection.

Other Creamy Alternatives

In addition to Greek yogurt, there are several other creamy alternatives that can be used to replace sour cream in chimichanga recipes, including cream cheese, buttermilk, kefir, crème fraîche, and Mexican crema. These alternatives not only provide a rich and creamy texture but also add unique flavors to your chimichangas. Here are some details about each option:

Cream Cheese

Cream cheese is a popular substitute for sour cream. It has a smooth and creamy consistency that adds richness to your chimichangas. To use cream cheese as a replacement, simply soften it at room temperature and use it in equal amounts as you would sour cream. The creaminess of the cheese will enhance the flavor and texture of your dish.


Buttermilk is another excellent option for substituting sour cream in chimichangas. It has a tangy taste that complements the other ingredients in the recipe. To use buttermilk as a replacement, you can mix it with a small amount of heavy cream or whole milk to achieve a similar consistency to sour cream. The buttermilk will add a delightful tang to your chimichangas.

Kefir, Crème Fraîche, and Mexican Crema

Kefir, crème fraîche, and Mexican crema are lesser-known alternatives that can elevate the flavors of your chimichangas. Kefir is a fermented milk product with a tangy and slightly effervescent taste. Crème fraîche is a thick and creamy French cultured cream that adds richness to your dish. Mexican crema, on the other hand, is a tangy cream often used in Mexican cuisine. These alternatives can be used in equal amounts as a replacement for sour cream, providing a unique twist to your chimichangas.

By exploring these other creamy alternatives, you can find the perfect substitute for sour cream in your chimichanga recipes. Whether you choose cream cheese, buttermilk, kefir, crème fraîche, or Mexican crema, each option offers a delicious and unique flavor profile that will enhance your dish. So go ahead and try these alternatives to create mouthwatering chimichangas without the need for sour cream!

Unconventional Substitutes

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try substituting sour cream in chimichangas with ingredients like mayonnaise, cottage cheese, or coconut milk for a twist on the traditional flavors. These unconventional substitutes can add unique and delicious elements to your dish, elevating it to a whole new level.

Mayonnaise, with its creamy and tangy profile, can be a surprising substitute for sour cream. Its smooth texture blends well with other ingredients, giving your chimichangas a delightful richness. Simply replace an equal amount of sour cream with mayonnaise in your recipe, and you’ll be amazed by the result.

Cottage cheese is another unexpected option that can enhance the flavors of your chimichangas. Its slightly salty and tangy taste adds a vibrant twist to the dish. To use cottage cheese as a substitute, blend it until smooth and creamy before adding it to your recipe. The result will be a unique and satisfying chimichanga experience.

For a dairy-free alternative, coconut milk can work wonders in your chimichangas. Its subtle sweetness and creamy texture provide a tropical touch to the dish. Replace the sour cream in your recipe with an equal amount of coconut milk, and enjoy the exotic flavors that this unconventional substitute brings to the table.

With these unconventional substitutes, you can reimagine the classic chimichanga and infuse it with exciting new flavors. Whether you choose mayonnaise, cottage cheese, or coconut milk, each alternative will contribute its own distinctive taste to your dish. So, don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with these flavorful substitutes for sour cream in your chimichangas!


Now that you know the 5 good ways to substitute sour cream in chimichangas, you can confidently experiment with these alternatives to create delicious and healthier versions of your favorite dish.

One option is to make your own sour cream substitute by whisking 1 cup heavy cream with 1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar or lemon juice, then letting it sit for 10 minutes and stirring in ¼ cup whole milk. This homemade alternative provides a creamy texture and tangy flavor, just like sour cream.

Greek yogurt is another excellent substitute. With its thick and tangy consistency, it can be used in equal amounts as a replacement for sour cream in chimichanga recipes. It adds a nice creaminess and a hint of tang that complements the other flavors in the dish.

For more alternatives, you can try using cream cheese, buttermilk, kefir, crème fraîche, Mexican crema, mayonnaise, cottage cheese, or even coconut milk. These substitutes offer their own unique flavors and textures, allowing you to experiment and find the perfect substitute that suits your taste.

So, whether you’re looking for a healthier option or you simply don’t have sour cream on hand, these substitutes will ensure that you can still enjoy the rich and savory goodness of chimichangas without compromising on taste.


Can I make a homemade substitute for sour cream in chimichangas?

Yes, you can make a homemade sour cream substitute by whisking 1 cup heavy cream with 1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar or lemon juice, letting it sit for 10 minutes, and stirring in ¼ cup whole milk.

What is a good alternative for sour cream in chimichangas?

Greek yogurt is a great alternative for sour cream in chimichangas. It has a thick and tangy consistency similar to sour cream and can be used in equal amounts as a replacement.

Are there other creamy options I can use instead of sour cream?

Yes, there are several other creamy alternatives you can use, such as cream cheese, buttermilk, kefir, crème fraîche, and Mexican crema. These options can provide unique flavors and textures to your chimichangas.

Can I use mayonnaise, cottage cheese, or coconut milk as substitutes for sour cream in chimichangas?

Yes, mayonnaise, cottage cheese, and coconut milk can also be used as unconventional substitutes for sour cream in chimichangas. They can add interesting flavors and textures to your dish.

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